Feb Challenge: Day 3: Links


That is the prompt for today in ‘Feb Challenge: A story for every picture, a picture for every story’. And here’s the rookie attempt, after joining in late by two days.

So ‘Links’. ‘Quick links’! And what comes to mind isn’t anything atypical of the current social network-savvy Gen X:

"Let me express how much I like you, by sending you links. Meeting up for coffee is a thought, but coffee has too many calories! And links…they are quick to send and hey! you can let the world know how cool you are by sharing just the right link!

Hey buddy! It’s been long….where have you been? I haven’t heard from you in a while…What! Are you kidding me…I make sure you are top most in my ‘Links List’….i forward you atleast a hundred links on a busy working day, and you make such a thoughtless remark!

Hey, your profile indicates a lot of synergy with what I do . We must connect one of these days….how about we twitter for a time to meet , you could link me at @lifesucksbad and we could connect for breakfast. Sharing links on whatsapp is the coolest breakfast idea ever!

Hell! What have I been doing? Have I shared any links yet today. Must do it NOW! Seeing your name in the obituaries column isn’t very pleasant!"


  1. Lol! Good one, Vidya. I am suitably thrilled to see myself in the screenshot ;)

  2. Haha .. i had written my posy based on same lines .. :)

    1. Oh is it! Didn't happen to read....will do now...thanks for stopping by Lady Nimue!


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