April A-Z challenge: When B means Bedtime...

…by far the most awaited hour of the day! There is no other time the  beaten, fagged out corpulence so looks forward to after running around the world, or what seems like it for the last 86 hours, or what seem like it!

Thankfully daughter associates bedtime with reading, a habit we got into from the time she was months old, and for me, there is no greater pleasure than those 20-30 minutes spent reading aloud to her.

Now junior accompanies us with equal excitement, with his teeny-weeny adorable hardbound books, which he has taken to with little coaxing. Brat is now more or less on her own, except at times when she is reading period novels or mythology, where I feel the need to butt in to give some perspective.

So focus shifts to Junior now. But I do miss reading to her, often enviously look at those pile of books, wondering what I’m missing, sometimes also read her books by myself, when I can hardly contain my curiosity, but I confess, reading her book by myself isn’t half as much fun!

So, that’s bedtime for us, our hour of illumination, just before we turn off the lights!

This post is part of A-Z Bloggers Challenge


  1. One of my favourite routines too.. but Gy prefers to read by herself these days. She still loves my imaginary tales though ;) Loved the post!

  2. Wow..that sounds so lovely. Peaceful may I say...I hope your kids keep the book-habit for life...:-)

  3. You're fortunate your daughter reads on her own.. mine refuse to grow up..they still like me to read to them or spin out stories!!

    1. Hahaha...believe me you'll miss terribly it once you stop!

  4. For me the bed time is watching the recent video of Ellen Degeneres and laughing my way to sleep. :) What an adorable post about your ritual. I hope to have a better one when I have kids

    1. You sure will...:)...And I love Ellen Degeneres btw...


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