April A-Z challenge: A is for 'Alpha-Mom'

This post is for Day 1 of April A-Z challenge.

A is for 'Alpha-Mom'

What happens when an ‘A’ type personality gives birth to children, she becomes the ‘Alpha Mom’, feeding, dressing, studying up early brain development, baking cup cakes with sprinkles, maintaining an impeccable house, working in and out of office/ home, chauffeuring the kids around for those innumerable activities, all at the same time!!! Did I mention the killer looks she maintains while doing all this!

Incredibly competitive, with kids always ahead of their peers (coming from the less evolved genealogy, ahem!), perfectionist at work, running the domestic front with flawless steadiness, making the spouse proud, all at the same time, this woman never tires. She is the ‘Alpha-Mom’.

As it turns out, I have settled down to Admire, Appreciate, Adore and be in Awe of this personality, while I remain the beta release, a trial version, always work-in-progress, worrying, wondering, experimenting, getting frustrated and going through all the usual rut!

So I must conclude: I salute ’A’!

This post is part of A-Z Bloggers Challenge


  1. Where is this Alpha Mom? She has to exist only in your imagination SM.

    1. hahaha....pun all the way! just want us mothers to relax and not make motherhood seem like a noble project producing matchless deliverables!

  2. Oh Beta Mom, you sound so real ;)
    Be the same adorable mother who is not afraid and does not have to put on a mask.

  3. While reading your post ...one thing came to my mind and that's my mom's pic :)

  4. Okay.. where is this Alpha Mom? I want to just see her.. just once ;)


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