Feeling blue today!

Tukun, our beloved building watchman who you keep encountering on your way in and out of the building, multiple times a day, has announced that he is now calling it quits. He wants to go back to his family in Nepal and take up something there. My particular association with Tukun comes from the fact that he is the lone admirer I have managed to garner in my 40-odd years of existence. 

A couple of years ago, one morning, while performing her regular chores, my domestic help told me what our Tukun said to her in passing, "Agar building mein koi achcha hai, to wo ho 1606 wali madam, baaki koi itna achcha nahi". Wow! who is this enlightened guy! How did he realize my worth!! Now I had something to nag the husband. I promptly conveyed the adulation to husband. It's a different matter the newspaper did not go down an inch. But I conveyed how I am impressed with this guy's judgement of people. I'd rather call it 'parakh'. 'Insaan ki parakh'...'Insaniyat ki parakh...'

Until then I had never really exchanged anything beyond pleasantries with Mr. Tukun. He has been here from the time I moved into this building 4 years ago. I have always just been myself, duly conveying all the excessive sorrys and thank yous. Apparently that works! It puts you ahead of all others in the building. 

So today, when I stepped down for an errand, I got to know that he has decided to quit here and go back to Nepal. I came back home and conveyed the sad development to Husband and we decided we will print and frame his quote about me and take his thumb-print on it and hang it on our living room wall. Who is to say I will ever bump into another homo sapien who values my insaniyat this much. Let me also try and convince Tukun to spread the word about my greatness in his homeland. I can't let such a golden opportunity of international fame slip by.

The feeling of blue just vanishes now! I feel like that emoji with stars in the eyes...one day I will visit Nepal and I will already be famous there.


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