Zoned out in Comfort Zone

 It is only after you’ve stepped out of your comfort zone that you begin to grow, they say. Outside of the comfort zone is where magic happens, they say. Life begins at the end of your comfort zone they say.

Where is a fish more valuable, swimming in a sea maintaining oceanic ecological balance or in someone’s plate, pleasing their palate? Comfort zone for a fish is certainly not being sandwiched between a knife and a fork. What fish does not know the impending eventuality when it is outside comfort zone? Why should one be outside one’s comfort zone? What is all this hype surrounding stepping out of comfort zone! I know not!

Akin to school students, who start their day with a prayer, my day (these days) begins with an affirmation I believe I will somehow internalize, so here I am, hand raised, pledging away ( much like I was taught to say the national pledge) “I welcome every opportunity of working from outside of my comfort zone.” Of course I make sure I follow it up with “….all Indians are my brothers and sisters….i love my country, I love myself…”and all of that, ingrained and embedded in different groups of neurons contributing to prefrontal cortex or whatever cortex that is.

Anyway, the point is…it is not working. All these affirmations and whatever Stephen Covey talk you give me, have never worked for me. I am an ardent disbeliever. A proud one at that! And to think I can open the quintessential bag of tricks and believe it is working wonders and changing me as a person. Truth guys: who wants to change?! I don’t! I’m so happy being me! So it all comes down to:

I didn’t change!...i just realized some shit.




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